about:blank – What About Blank Is and How to Change or Remove It?

Are you seeing an unfamiliar “about:blank” in your browser window? About blank is a potentially pesky feature of your web browser. Many users have noticed this cryptic string appearing when opening their browsers and are unsure of what it is.

About blank is an empty page that appears in your browser window when you open a new tab. The page is completely blank with no content, images, or links. It’s supposed to be a placeholder for when you open a new tab, giving you an empty page until you navigate to the next website.

In this blog post, we’re going to explain what about blank is and how to change or remove it. We’ll discuss what about:blank is and why it may appear, as well as how to get rid of it if it’s causing problems. We’ll also show you how to customize your browser home page to something more useful.

What is about:blank?


about:blank is a special URL that opens a blank page in your web browser. Web browsers display a blank page when they have no other content to show. about:blank is also used by web developers to test their websites.

When you type about:blank in the address bar of your web browser, the browser will open a new tab with a blank page. The page will not have any content, and there will be no title bar.

About blank is a built-in feature of all major web browsers, including Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple Safariand Microsoft Edge. It is not a virus or malware, and it is safe to use.

If you do not want about:blank to open when you start your web browser, you can change or remove it in the settings of your web browser. The exact steps for changing or removing about:blank will vary depending on the web browser you are using. However, in general, you will need to find the setting that controls the home page of your web browser. Once you have found this setting, you can change it to a different URL or the new tab page.

Why does about:blank appear?

By definition, about:blank refers to a URL that represents an empty, blank page. It is not an error or a glitch but rather a deliberate design feature in modern web browsers. When you open a new tab or window in your browser, about.blank is the default page.

About blank appears to provide a placeholder for web content. When you open a new tab, the browser needs to display something. about:blank serves as the initial loading state before navigating to a specific website.

Furthermore, about:blank can also appear in redirects and pop-ups. Some websites or malicious scripts may utilize about:blank as a temporary landing page before redirecting you to another website or displaying intrusive pop-up advertisements.

It is important to note that while about:blank is a standard behavior in web browsing, it can also be utilized by malware and browser hijackers. These malicious entities may force your browser to open about.blank repeatedly, disrupting your online experience and potentially exposing you to security risks.

However, it is crucial to remain vigilant and ensure that about.blank is not being exploited by malicious entities. By understanding the reasons behind its appearance, you can navigate the web with greater understanding and security.

What is the role of About blank in Web Development?

In web development, about:blank plays a significant role as a versatile tool in developers’ hands. This placeholder page serves a range of purposes and offers flexibility in creating dynamic and interactive web experiences.

About Blank is an empty canvas for developers to build upon. When starting up a project or designing a web page from scratch, developers often use about:blank as a starting point. It provides a clean slate from which to construct the layout, add elements, and fine-tune the website’s aesthetics. By starting with a blank page, developers have full control over design and functionality.

Additionally, about:blank serves as a temporary storage space for web content. It allows developers to load and manipulate data before dynamically inserting it at the desired location on a webpage. This can be particularly useful for handling user inputs, generating dynamic content, or implementing advanced features that require real-time updates.

Furthermore, about:blank is commonly used in web development for debugging purposes. Developers can open about:blank in a browser window and use the browser’s built-in developer tools to inspect and test code snippets, experiment with CSS styles, or troubleshoot scripting errors. It provides a controlled environment where developers can iterate and refine their code before integrating it into web pages.

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How to change or remove about:blank in the browser?

To change or remove about:blank in the browser, you will need to go to your web browser settings. The exact steps for changing or removing about:blank will vary depending on the web browser you are using. However, in general, you will need to find the setting that controls the home page of your web browser. Once you have found this setting, you can change it to a different URL or the new tab page.

Here are the steps to change or remove about:blank in the following web browsers:

Google Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the window.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down and click On startup.
  5. Select Open a specific page or set of pages.
  6. Delete about:blank from the list of pages that open at startup.
  7. Click on Save.

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top right corner of the window.
  3. Select Options.
  4. Click on Home.
  5. Select the URL you want to use as your home page.
  6. Uncheck the box next to Use a blank page.
  7. Click on OK.

Apple Safari:

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click the Safari menu in the top left corner of the window.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Click on the General tab.
  5. In the Homepage field, type the URL you want to use as your home page.
  6. Uncheck the box next to Open with a blank page.
  7. Click on OK.

Microsoft Edge:

  • Open the edge.
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the window.
  • Select Settings.
  • Click on Appearance.
  • In the Start page section, select the URL you want to use as your home page.
  • Uncheck the box next to Open on a blank page.
  • Click on Save.


  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click Safari on the menu bar.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. Click on the General tab.
  5. In the Homepage field, type the URL that you want to use as your home page.
  6. Uncheck the box next to Open on a blank page.
  7. Click OK.

The impact of "about:blank" on browser performance.

About:blank has minimal impact on browser performance. about:blank is a special URL that opens a blank page in your web browser. Web browsers display a blank page when they have no other content to show. About Blank is also used by web developers to test their websites.

About Blank does not require any resources to load, so it does not have any significant impact on browser performance. In fact, some web browsers may actually use about:blank to improve performance by reducing the number of resources used when a page is not displayed.

If you are concerned about “about:blank” is the impact on browser performance, you can disable it in your web browser settings. However, there is no need to disable about:blank unless you are experiencing performance issues.

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Remove "about:blank" Redirects and Pop-ups.

Dealing with unwanted redirects and pop-ups can be frustrating while browsing the web. If you encounter about:blank redirects or intrusive pop-up windows, there are steps you can take to remove them and restore seamless browsing.

  • Identify and Remove Malicious Extensions or Add-ons: Malware or malicious browser extensions can cause about:blank redirects and pop-ups. Access your browser’s extension or add-on settings and review the installed extensions. 
  • Clear Cache and Cookies: Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can eliminate stored data that may trigger about:blank redirects. Access your browser’s settings, locate the cache and cookies options, and initiate the clearing process. This step can often resolve unwanted redirect issues.
  • Run a Malware Scan: Conducting a thorough malware scan on your system is essential. Use reputable antivirus or anti-malware software to scan your computer for malicious programs or scripts. If any threats are detected, follow the recommended actions to remove them from your system.
  • Reset Browser Settings: If unwanted about:blank behavior persists, resetting your browser settings can resolve the issue. This step will revert your browser to its default state, removing any customized settings that may have inadvertently allowed redirects or pop-ups.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove about:blank redirects and pop-ups from your browsing experience. Remember to stay cautious when installing extensions or downloading files from untrusted sources to prevent future unwanted behavior encounters.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, we have explored the enigmatic presence of about:blank and its significance in web browsing. Let’s recap the key points we discussed.

  • About:blank is a URL that represents an empty, blank page commonly encountered when opening a new tab or window in a web browser.
  • It serves as a placeholder for web content and provides a starting point for developers to build upon.
  • About:blank can appear due to default browser behavior, redirects, or malicious activities.
  • Developers utilize about blank as a blank canvas for designing web pages, manipulating data, and debugging code.
  • When encountering about:blank redirects and pop-ups, steps such as removing malicious extensions, clearing cache and cookies, running malware scans, and resetting browser settings can help eliminate unwanted behavior.

In web development, about:blank acts as a versatile tool, empowering developers to create, experiment, and fine-tune web content. It serves as both a starting point and a temporary storage space, enhancing web experiences’ flexibility and dynamism.

While about:blank is a standard feature, it is important to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent its misuse by malicious entities. By understanding its role and implementing appropriate measures, we can navigate the web with greater security.

In the ever-evolving landscape of web browsing, about:blank continues to be a familiar companion, serving as a blank canvas that holds limitless possibilities. Embrace its significance, and let your imagination and creativity shape digital realms.

Frequently Asked Questions about about:blank

Why does about:blank sometimes appear when I open a new tab?

About:blank appears as the default page when you open a new tab because it serves as a placeholder for web content. It provides a blank slate for you to navigate to a specific website or perform other actions.

Can I set a specific website as the default new tab page?

Yes, you can set a specific website as the default new tab page in most web browsers. The method varies depending on the browser you are using. Typically, you can find this option in the browser’s settings or preferences menu.

How can I remove about:blank redirects from my browser?

To remove about:blank redirects, you should first check for suspicious or malicious browser extensions or add-ons. Remove any that you do not recognize or trust. Additionally, clearing cache and cookies, running malware scans, and resetting browser settings can eliminate these redirects.

Will changing the about:blank page affect browser performance?

Changing the about:blank page itself is unlikely to have a significant impact on your browser’s performance. However, excessive use of resource-intensive extensions, plugins, or other customizations on the new tab page may affect performance. It is advisable to optimize your browser and manage extensions to ensure smooth performance.

Is about:blank related to malware or virus infections?

While about:blank itself is not inherently malware or a virus, it can be exploited by malicious entities. Malware or browser hijackers may force your browser to repeatedly open about:blank pages, leading to unwanted redirects and potential security risks. It is crucial to maintain a secure browsing environment, regularly update your antivirus software, and exercise caution when downloading files or installing extensions.

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