15 The Best AI Code Generators for HTML and CSS

Web development has become an indispensable part of businesses and individuals alike. Creating visually appealing and functional websites requires HTML and CSS. However, this process can be time-consuming and challenging. Thankfully, with the advent of AI code generators, web development has undergone a revolutionary transformation. These intelligent tools have streamlined the coding process, empowering developers with efficient solutions.

This article highlights the world of AI code generators specifically designed for HTML and CSS. We will explore their significance in web development and highlight the key players leading this technological advancement. At the end of this discussion, you will understand how AI code generators are reshaping website building. Let’s get started!

What are AI Code Generators?

AI code generators are sophisticated software applications that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to automatically generate code for various programming languages, including HTML and CSS. These tools analyze patterns, best practices, and user inputs to produce high-quality code that aligns with industry standards.

AI code generators streamline the coding process by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. They assist developers in writing code more efficiently, saving valuable time and effort. These generators can understand and replicate programming languages’ complexities by using machine learning techniques, resulting in accurate and reliable code generation.

These tools typically operate based on pre-trained models trained on large datasets containing code samples, coding conventions, and programming best practices. By learning from this data, AI code generators can recognize patterns and generate code that follows established coding standards. Some code generators allow customization and adaptation to specific user preferences and project requirements.

Benefits of Using AI Code Generators for HTML and CSS

AI code generators offer a range of benefits that can significantly enhance developers’ development process and productivity. Here are some key advantages:

  • Increased Productivity: AI models can handle tasks like generating boilerplate code, suggesting code completions, and refactoring efficiently, allowing developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their projects.
  • Improved Code Quality: AI code generators can provide intelligent suggestions and recommendations based on best practices and coding standards. 
  • Consistency Across Projects: AI code generators promote consistency in coding practices and styles across different projects. 
  • Reduced Development Time: With AI code generators automating repetitive tasks and providing code suggestions, developers can accelerate their development workflow. 
  • Focus on Higher-Level Tasks: By delegating repetitive coding tasks to AI code generators, developers can redirect their energy and time towards higher-level tasks. 
  • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: AI code generators aid in collaboration among development teams. They assist in code comprehension and maintenance, making it easier for team members to understand and work with each other’s code.

While AI code generators offer numerous benefits, it’s important to note that they should be used judiciously.

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The Best AI Code Generators

Today, I will introduce you to the top AI code generators. I will also introduce you to their remarkable features, capabilities, and the companies driving their development. These tools have revolutionized programming, enabling developers to automate and accelerate coding. Let’s explore the exciting world of AI code generators and the leading solutions available.

01. OpenAI Codex


OpenAI Codex represents a breakthrough in AI-assisted coding. It harnesses advanced deep-learning models to help developers write HTML and CSS code. Developed by OpenAI, Codex has been meticulously trained on an extensive collection of code snippets.

Codex is designed to enhance web developers’ coding experience. This lets it grasp the coding intricacies and produce precise and reliable code. It empowers developers to write code more efficiently and quickly through its thorough understanding of HTML and CSS. Its intuitive interface and intelligent suggestions are valuable resources, offering real-time guidance throughout the coding process.

Its versatility extends beyond generating code snippets. It can assist with tasks such as autocomplete suggestions, code refactoring, and providing documentation for specific HTML and CSS elements. This multi-faceted functionality makes Codex an indispensable tool for novice and experienced web developers.

Key Features:

  • Context-aware code suggestions
  • Auto-completion for HTML tags and CSS properties
  • Support for popular frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS
  • Real-time error detection and correction
  • Integration with code editors and IDEs


OpenAI Codex was introduced as a free limited beta in 2021 but is no longer accessible. You can now use it by subscribing to the OpenAI API. The API pricing is only and costs $20/month.


OpenAI Codex is a powerful AI code generator that empowers developers with its intelligent coding assistance and comprehensive feature set. It is well-suited for beginners and experienced developers looking to streamline their HTML and CSS coding process.

02. GitHub Copilot


GitHub Copilot represents a cutting-edge collaboration between GitHub and OpenAI, delivering an AI-powered code generator to revolutionize development. Seamlessly integrated with popular code editors, Copilot offers developers real-time suggestions and intelligent code completions, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

It utilizes advanced machine learning models extensively trained on a vast corpus of publicly accessible code. This extensive training data enables Copilot to provide accurate and context-aware suggestions tailored to HTML and CSS development.

Beyond its core functionality, Copilot also syncs with version control systems, allowing developers to collaborate effortlessly. It helps regenerate pull request templates, suggest meaningful commit messages, and provide context-aware code reviews. This collaborative aspect empowers teams to work more efficiently and produce higher-quality code collectively.

Key Features:

  • Intelligent code auto-completion
  • Smart code suggestions based on context
  • Support for multiple programming languages, including HTML and CSS
  • Integration with popular code editors like Visual Studio Code
  • Collaboration features for team projects


GitHub Copilot offers subscription-based pricing.

  1. Team: $3.67 per month.

  2. Enterprise: $19.25 per user per month.


GitHub Copilot is a remarkable AI code generator that brings OpenAI machine-learning models to developers’ fingertips. With its extensive code knowledge and contextual suggestions, Copilot greatly accelerates the HTML and CSS coding process. This makes it an excellent choice for developers seeking efficient and accurate code generation.

03. CodeGenius

CodeGenius is an AI code generator designed for HTML and CSS development. Using machine learning algorithms, CodeGenius automates code generation and provides intelligent coding assistance. It simplifies the creation of HTML and CSS layouts, allowing developers to focus on design and functionality. The use of CodeGenius results in enhanced productivity and accuracy since it saves time and provides suggestions. It integrates smoothly with existing tools and environments. With CodeGenius, developers unlock new possibilities for HTML and CSS development, streamlining the coding process and enabling creativity.

Key Features:

  • Automatic code generation for HTML elements and CSS properties
  • Context-aware code suggestions
  • Support for responsive design and media queries
  • Integration with popular code editors
  • Extensive library of prebuilt code snippets


CodeGenius offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs. The premium plan is $ 20 Per user per month.


CodeGenius is a specialized AI code generator tailored for HTML and CSS development. Its focus on automating layout creation and providing contextually relevant code suggestions makes it a valuable tool for web developers. It reduce manual coding time, CodeGenius enables developers to iterate and experiment with their designs more efficiently.

04. StyleMaster


StyleMaster is an AI code generator that simplifies CSS code generation for web development projects. With advanced algorithms, it streamlines the process of writing CSS rules and properties, making creating visually appealing and responsive designs effortless.

Using automated CSS code creation, StyleMaster saves developers time and effort. Its intelligent algorithms ensure visually stunning designs, covering color schemes, typography, layout, and responsiveness. The user-friendly interface makes it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

StyleMaster seamlessly integrates with popular web development frameworks and platforms, enhancing workflow efficiency. Customizable options allow for tailored CSS code modifications, maintaining code integrity while achieving desired design outcomes.

Key Features:

  • Automated CSS code generation based on design inputs
  • Intelligent suggestions for CSS selectors and properties
  • Support for CSS animations and transitions
  • Compatibility with popular CSS frameworks
  • Integration with code editors and design tools


StyleMaster offers flexible pricing options based on individual developers’ and teams’ needs. StyleMaster is available for $US59.99 – $US29.99 (EDU).


StyleMaster provides web developers with a powerful AI code generator focused on CSS. Its ability to automate CSS code generation and offer insightful suggestions simplifies the design process. StyleMaster’s capabilities, developers can create elegant and dynamic web designs while saving time and effort.

05. Polycoder

Polycoder is an advanced AI code generator that supports HTML and CSS development. With cutting-edge machine learning models, Polycoder automates writing HTML and CSS code, enabling developers to create visually appealing and responsive web designs more efficiently.

It eliminates manual coding tasks for developers, streamlining workflows. This AI-powered tool analyzes design specifications and generates clean, well-structured HTML and CSS code snippets, eliminating developers’ need to start from scratch.

Polycoder excels at adapting to various design requirements and user preferences. Whether you’re working on a simple webpage layout or a complex multi-page website, Polycoder’s machine learning algorithms ensure that the generated code meets the highest standards of quality and responsiveness.

Key Features:

  • Automated generation of HTML and CSS code snippets
  • Context-aware suggestions for HTML elements and CSS properties
  • Support for responsive design and media queries
  • Integration with popular code editors and web development tools
  • Real-time error detection and code correction


Polycoder is a totally free of cost tool.


Polycoder offers a comprehensive AI code generation solution for HTML and CSS. Its ability to automate the generation of HTML and CSS code snippets, coupled with context-aware suggestions, makes it a valuable tool for developers. With Polycoder, developers can accelerate web development and ensure code quality and consistency. It considers industry best practices and adheres to web standards. This results in code optimized for performance and compatibility across different browsers and devices.

06. AlphaCode.ai


AlphaCode.ai, developed by Google AI, is an innovative AI code generator that harnesses machine learning to produce efficient and accurate code. While still developing, AlphaCode has already made significant strides and has successfully won several programming competitions.

Powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, AlphaCode aims to revolutionize code generation. Using vast amounts of data and training models on diverse programming tasks, AlphaCode has generated code that meets functional requirements but achieves high performance and accuracy levels.

Key Features:

  • It uses machine learning to generate code that is both efficient and accurate.
  • Has won several programming competitions, including the Codeforces Round 1100.
  • Can generate code in various programming languages, including Python, C++, and Java.
  • Can generate code to solve various problems, including natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision.
  • It is still under development but can potentially revolutionize how we write code.


AlphaCode is free of cost.


AlphaCode is an AI code generator developed by Google AI. It uses machine learning to generate code that is both efficient and accurate. It is still under development but has already been used to win several programming competitions.

07. Tabnine


Tabnine is a powerful AI code completion tool that utilizes machine learning to provide intelligent code completion suggestions. Designed as a plugin for popular integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse, Its aims to enhance developer productivity by offering accurate and context-aware code suggestions.

It uses sophisticated machine learning models to examine the code context, encompassing variables, functions, and libraries, to produce real-time, highly pertinent code completions. This eliminates the need for developers to manually type out lengthy code segments or search for syntax references.

Key Features:

  • Tabnine suggests code completions as you type. This can save you time and effort and help you to write code faster.
  • It can generate code snippets for a variety of programming tasks. This can help automate repetitive tasks or quickly starter projects.
  • This also can lint your code, which means it can check it for errors and suggest improvements. This can help you to improve the quality of your code.
  • It learns from your past code and generates code similar to your existing style. This can help you write consistent and accessible to maintain code.
  • Tabnine can be used collaboratively, so multiple developers can work on the same project and share code suggestions.


Tabnine offers unlimited users and code completions for $12 per month.


An AI code completion tool that uses machine learning to suggest code completions. It is available as a plugin for a variety of IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse.

08. Seek.ai


Seek.ai is an advanced AI code generator that offers code snippet generation for various programming tasks. Whether tackling complex algorithms, implementing specific functionalities, or exploring new programming paradigms, Seek provides an efficient solution by harnessing the power of a large language model trained on an extensive code dataset.

As a web app and a plugin for Visual Studio Code, Seek seamlessly integrates into your development environment. This enables you to access its code generation capabilities easily. Seek can generate code snippets that provide practical solutions to various programming challenges by analyzing input parameters, expected outputs, and desired functionality. The language model’s training on a diverse code range ensures that the generated snippets align with industry best practices and adhere to coding standards.

Key Features:

  • It can generate code snippets for various programming tasks, such as creating a new file, writing a function, or calling a method.
  • It can autocomplete code as you type. This can save you time and effort and help you to write code more accurately.
  • This also can lint your code to identify errors and potential problems. This can help you to improve the quality of your code.
  • Seek can suggest code improvements based on its knowledge of best practices. This can help you to write more efficient and effective code.
  • It supports various programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, and C++.


Seek.ai is a free trial version. Pricing information is not available on the website.


Seek is a powerful AI code generator that simplifies HTML and CSS code. Its ability to automate code generation and provide context-aware suggestions makes it a valuable tool for web developers. By leveraging Seek’s capabilities, developers can enhance their productivity and ensure code accuracy and consistency.

09. MutableAI

MutableAI is an innovative software development tool that leverages AI acceleration to empower developers to create high-quality code rapidly and effortlessly. MutableAI machine learning provides valuable features such as generating code suggestions, refactoring code, and creating automated documentation.

MutableAI provides developers with AI-powered code suggestion generation. Analyzing project requirements and context provides intelligent recommendations for relevant code snippets. This allows developers to focus on higher-level design decisions and creative problem-solving. While still in development, MutableAI has already demonstrated its potential by contributing to impressive projects.

Key Features:

  • It uses machine learning to generate code suggestions relevant to your current code.
  • MutableAI can refactor your code to improve its readability, efficiency, and maintainability.
  • With MutableAI, you can quickly generate documentation for your code.
  • Available as a web app and as a plugin for Visual Studio Code.
  • Free to use the web app, but the plugin requires a subscription.


You can start free and pay later. Pricing for MutableAI begins at $15 per seat per month.


MutableAI is an AI-accelerated software development tool that helps developers create high-quality code quickly and easily. Using machine learning, MutableAI offers code suggestion generation, code refactoring, and automated documentation generation. While still under development, MutableAI has already shown its potential by contributing to impressive projects.

10. CodeSandbox

CodeSandbox is an intuitive online code editor that provides a platform for creating, sharing, and experimenting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, CodeSandbox offers developers a convenient environment to prototype, test, and showcase their code, including AI code generators. Its collaborative features allow multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously, enabling efficient collaboration and fostering teamwork. This is particularly beneficial for developers exploring AI code generators, as they can collectively experiment, share insights, and iterate on code implementations.

Key features:

  • It provides a live preview feature that lets you see your code as you make changes.
  • This allows you to collaborate on code with others.
  • This also allows you to deploy your code to production.
  • It is elementary to use. You can create the first sandbox in just a few clicks.
  • It is very flexible. You can use it to create a variety of projects.
  • An excellent way to experiment with AI code generators and see how they work.
  • Easy to learn. You can start with it even if you have no coding experience.


The premium plan is $18 per user per month.


CodeSandbox is an online code editor where you can easily create and share HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. It’s a fantastic platform for testing AI code generators and observing their operation.

11. ChatGPT


OpenAI’s latest AI model, ChatGPT, significantly advances programming tasks. Designed as a multimodal tool, GPT-4 exhibits exceptional capabilities in understanding and explaining code and generating new code. It outperforms existing models in Python coding tasks, showcasing its prowess in the programming domain.

ChatGPT’s ability to handle complex programming tasks is impressive. However, it is essential to know its limitations. Like any AI model, ChatGPT may encounter reasoning errors and security vulnerabilities in the code it produces. Therefore, developers must exercise caution, perform rigorous testing, and conduct thorough code reviews to ensure generated code quality, reliability, and security.

While ChatGPT showcases tremendous potential, it should be seen as a powerful tool that complements human developers’ skills and expertise.

Key Features:

  • Generate code in a variety of programming languages. This includes popular languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++.
  • It can generate code for a variety of tasks. This includes creating web pages, writing algorithms, and debugging code.
  • They can also generate code that is well-formatted and easy to read. This helps to improve the readability and maintainability of your code.
  • They can generate code that is consistent with your coding style. This helps to ensure that your code is compatible and easy to understand.


ChatGPT is free, but if you upgrade to GPT Plus, it is available for $20.


ChatGPT has emerged as a highly popular AI chatbot, known for its contextual awareness and human-like responses. While AI code tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4 can be immensely helpful in accelerating certain aspects of the coding process, they are not intended to replace human developers. 

12. Animista

Animista is a powerful tool designed to facilitate CSS animation creation. With its extensive library of pre-made CSS animations and intuitive customization options, Animista offers a user-friendly solution for developers and designers looking to add dynamic and engaging animations to their projects.

Animista’s standout feature is its library of pre-made CSS animations. These animations cover many effects, from subtle transitions to complex transformations. 

In addition to the pre-made animations, Animista provides a user-friendly interface allowing easy customization and tweaking of energies. Developers can modify various aspects of the spirit, such as duration, timing, ease, and keyframes, to align with their specific design requirements.

Key Features:

  • It has a library of over 100 pre-made animations that you can use. These animations are categorized by type, so you can easily find the animation you’re looking for.
  • It provides various tools that make it easy to create animations, including a timeline editor, a property inspector, and a preview pane.
  • You can change the properties of the animation, such as the speed, the duration, and the timing. You can also add your own CSS code to the spirit.
  • Once you’re happy with your animation, you can export it in various formats, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows you to embed the energy in your website or web app.


Animista is a free CSS animation library. You can use it to create and download CSS animations without paying anything. There is no premium or paid version of Animista.


Animista is a valuable tool for creating CSS animations. With its library of pre-made animations and user-friendly customization options, Animista simplifies adding dynamic and engaging animations to projects. Developers can save time and effort in animation creation by selecting a professionally designed spirit from the library to incorporate into their projects.

13. CSS Gradient

CSS Gradient is a tool that allows you to create CSS gradients. You can choose from various gradient presets or create your custom gradient. This tool is straightforward to use. You select the type of gradient you want to make, the colors you want to use, and the angle or direction of the gradient. The tool will then generate CSS code for you.

You can also use CSS Gradient to create gradients with multiple colors. This is a great way to create visually appealing gradients. Once you have created a gradient, you can style any element on your website. You can use it to create backgrounds, borders, and text effects.

Key Features:

  • You can choose from a variety of gradient presets or create your own custom gradient.
  • You simply select the type of gradient you want to create, the colors you want to use, and the angle or direction of the gradient. The tool will then generate the CSS code for you.
  • It can use CSS Gradient to create gradients with multiple colors. This is a great way to create gradients that are more visually appealing.
  • The gradients are exported as CSS code, so you can easily add them to your website or app.
  • It has a variety of gradient presets that you can use. These presets include linear gradients, radial gradients, and conic gradients.


CSS Gradient is a free tool. There is no premium or paid version of CSS Gradient.


CSS Gradient is a great tool for creating and using CSS gradients. It’s free, easy to use, and the results are high quality. If you’re looking for a way to add gradients to your website or app, I recommend CSS Gradient.

14. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (also known as VS Code) is a free and open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. VS Code is a lightweight but powerful editor with various features, including syntax highlighting, code completion, linting, and debugging. It also has a large ecosystem of extensions to extend its functionality.

VS Code is a popular choice for web developers. However, it can also be used for other programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript. It is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Key Features:

  • It highlights syntax for various programming languages, making it easy to read and understand code.
  • It provides code completion, which suggests possible completions as you type. This can help you to save time and avoid errors.
  • Debugging, which allows you to step through your code and identify errors.
  • It also can provide linting, which helps you identify potential code errors.
  • Large ecosystem of extensions that can be added to extend its functionality. These extensions can provide features such as code linting, code formatting, and syntax highlighting for new programming languages.


Visual Studio Community is a cost-free edition of Visual Studio for beginners, making it an excellent choice for scholars, open-source contributors, and hobbyists. If you went professional subscription is $45 per user/per month.


Visual Studio Code is a highly capable and flexible code editor suitable for both novice and seasoned developers. This software is available for free and is open-source, enabling you to download and utilize it without any financial obligation.

15. Brackets

Brackets is a free and open-source code editor developed by Adobe. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Brackets is a lightweight but powerful editor with various features, including syntax highlighting, code completion, linting, and debugging. It also has a large ecosystem of extensions to extend its functionality.

Brackets is a popular choice for web developers, but they can also be used for a variety of other programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript. It is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Key Features:

  • It highlights syntax for various programming languages, making it easy to read and understand code.
  • It provides code completion, which suggests possible completions as you type. This can help you to save time and avoid errors.
  • Brackets provide linting, which helps you identify potential code errors.
  • Brackets provide debugging, allowing you to navigate your code and identify errors.
  • It has a live preview feature that lets you see your real-time changes as you make them.
  • It has a large ecosystem of extensions that can provide features such as code linting, code formatting, and syntax highlighting for new programming language.


It is a free and open-source code editor, so using it is not expensive. You can download it from the Brackets website and start using it right away.


I suggest Brackets as a reliable and adaptable code editor. It’s free, open source, and works on multiple platforms, which makes it an excellent option for developers at any skill level.


In conclusion, AI code generators for HTML and CSS have transformed the web development landscape, empowering developers with intelligent tools to expedite the coding process. The tools discussed in this article, including OpenAI Codex, GitHub Copilot, CodeGenius, StyleMaster, Polycoder, AlphaCode.ai, Tabnine, Seek.ai, MutableAI, CodeSandbox, ChatGPT, Animista, CSS Gradient, Visual Studio Code, and Brackets, offer a wide range of features and capabilities to enhance the web development workflow. These AI code generators enable developers to focus on design, functionality, and creativity by automating repetitive tasks, providing intelligent suggestions, and ensuring code quality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are AI code generators?

AI code generators are software applications powered by artificial intelligence algorithms that automatically generate code for programming languages, including HTML and CSS. They analyze patterns, best practices, and user inputs to produce high-quality code snippets.

How do AI code generators work?

AI code generators utilize machine learning models trained on vast amounts of code examples and industry standards. These models learn to recognize patterns and generate code that aligns with best practices. They can also adapt to specific user preferences, allowing developers to customize the generated code.

What are the benefits of using AI code generators for HTML and CSS?

AI code generators can increase productivity, improve code quality, ensure project consistency, and save development time. These tools automate repetitive coding tasks, enable faster iteration, and provide intelligent suggestions, enhancing the overall web development process.

How do the pricing models for AI code generators vary?

Pricing models for AI code generators can vary, with options for subscription-based plans, tiered pricing based on usage or team size, and custom pricing for enterprise solutions. It is advisable to visit the respective websites of the AI code generators for detailed pricing information.

Are AI code generators suitable for both beginners and experienced developers?

Yes, AI code generators can benefit developers of all skill levels. They assist by automating repetitive tasks and offering intelligent suggestions, allowing beginners to learn and develop their coding skills more effectively. Experienced developers can also benefit from AI code generators by speeding up their workflow, maintaining code consistency, and exploring new possibilities.

Can AI code generators replace the need for human developers?

AI code generators are powerful tools that can automate certain aspects of coding. However, they are not intended to replace human developers. Human creativity, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of project requirements are still crucial in web development. AI code generators serve as valuable aids, enhancing developers’ capabilities and productivity.

Can AI code generators adapt to different coding styles and project requirements?

AI code generators can adapt to different coding styles and project requirements. They are trained on diverse datasets and can learn from specific user preferences. This flexibility allows developers to customize the generated code to align with their coding style and project specifications.

Are AI code generators limited to HTML and CSS code generation?

AI code generators can support various programming languages, including HTML and CSS. They can be trained on different language models and adapt to each language’s specific syntax and conventions. Developers can utilize AI code generators for various programming tasks beyond HTML and CSS.

Can AI code generators help with debugging and error detection?

Yes, some AI code generators incorporate features for real-time error detection and code correction. By analyzing the code and identifying potential issues, these tools can assist developers in debugging and improving the quality of their code.

Are AI code generators suitable for large-scale projects?

Yes, AI code generators can be beneficial for large-scale projects. They help streamline the coding process, ensure code consistency, and reduce development time. However, it is important to consider the specific needs and requirements of the project and choose an AI code generator that aligns with those needs.

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