The Power of Dad Blogs: What it is, How it Makes Money, and How to Start Dad Blog

Dad blogs have emerged as a powerful platform in blogging, offering an exclusive perspective on fatherhood. As more and more parents become actively involved in parenting, dad blogs have become increasingly important in recent years. In this digital era, where information and experiences are shared instantly, Dad bloggers share their experiences and perspectives on parenting, family life, and other topics through blogs. Through writing, these dads provide information, advice, and support to other parents, demonstrating the unique challenges and joys of modern parenting.

With their growing popularity and influence, these blogs have become a valuable resource for dads worldwide. In this article, we will explore the definition and significance of Dad blogs, discuss their benefits, delve into the various ways they generate income, offer guidance on starting a Dad blog, explain strategies for building an audience and engagement, explore monetization techniques, offer tips on overcoming challenges, and provide a curated list of resources and tools for Dad bloggers.

Who are the Dad Bloggers?

Dad bloggers are dads who share their experiences, advice, and perspectives on parenting through blogs and other forms of digital media. They cover various topics related to fatherhood, such as parenting tips, family activities, and the challenges and joys of raising children. Most dad bloggers will write about their kids, parenting advice for a new dad, and what it means to be a dad in 2023. 

Dad bloggers have become increasingly popular in recent years as more dads reach out to other dads and seek support from their dads. Parenting journey. However, most also publish content about other aspects of parenting, from practical tips on filing tax returns if you have children to comments on social issues that affect their children.

The style of dad blogs varies greatly depending on the dad blogger. So whether you prefer to follow dad influencers on Instagram or through their website, everyone has options. They have also become an essential resource for brands and companies looking to connect with dads and promote their products or services to families.

Who is Reading Dad’s Blogs, and Why?

Dad bloggers have gained a significant following in recent years, and their readership consists of a wide range of individuals. While many of their readers are other dads, moms, and families looking for parenting advice, tips, and support, dad bloggers also attract a wider audience, including professionals, researchers, and people interested in social issues related to fatherhood.

Many readers turn to dad bloggers to better understand the modern dad and how he balances parenting, work, and home life. They also appreciate the candid and relatable stories about fatherhood that dad bloggers provide. By sharing their experiences, these bloggers help break stereotypes and create a supportive community for dads.

In addition, readers may be drawn to dad bloggers who focus on topics of interest, such as mental health, technology, finance, health, or education. Plus, readers can enjoy the humor, entertainment, and fatherhood stories these blogs share. In general, the readership of father bloggers is diverse and extends beyond fathers and families, making them a valuable source of information and insight into modern fatherhood.

What are the Benefits of Dad Blogs?

Dad blogs have many significant benefits. These platforms have transformed the parenting landscape by providing a voice to fathers, challenging stereotypes, and creating a supportive community. Let’s explore some of the key benefits in more detail.

  • Connecting and supporting fathers worldwide: Dad blogs serve as a virtual gathering place where fathers from all walks of life can connect, share their experiences, and offer support to one another.
  • Sharing personal experiences, advice, and insights: Dad bloggers have a unique perspective on fatherhood, and their personal experiences can be invaluable to other dads. These blogs serve as a platform for fathers to share their triumphs, struggles, and everything in between.
  • Breaking stereotypes and promoting positive fatherhood: Dad blogs play a pivotal role in challenging traditional fatherhood stereotypes. By sharing their own stories of active involvement in childcare, housework, and emotional support, Dad bloggers demonstrate that fathers are more than just breadwinners. 
  • Increasing visibility and representation: Dad blogs contribute to increased visibility and representation of fathers in the parenting space. By sharing their experiences and perspectives, Dad bloggers help debunk the myth that parenting is solely a mother’s domain.
  • Providing emotional support and reassurance: Parenting can be challenging and overwhelming at times, and Dad blogs offer a platform for fathers to find emotional support and reassurance. Reading about other dads’ experiences who have faced similar situations and emotions can help fathers realize that they are not alone in their struggles.

Dad blogs offer benefits that reach beyond individual fathers. They foster connection, support, and knowledge-sharing among dads, break down stereotypes, promote positive fatherhood, and contribute to a more inclusive and supportive parenting community.

The Power of Dad Bloggers: How Fathers are Shaping the Blogosphere

In recent years, dad bloggers have increased sharing of their experiences and perspectives on fatherhood. Dad blogging has become a popular platform for fathers to connect with other parents and share their parenting journey. But how did dad blogging come to be, and why is it so important?

Dad blogging first emerged in the early 2000s as a response to the lack of father representation in the parenting sphere. At the time, most parenting blogs were written by mothers and focused solely on their maternal experiences. However, with the rise of social media and blogging platforms, fathers began to share their stories and connect with other dads online.

The Growing Influence of Dad Bloggers:

The growth of dad bloggers in recent years has been nothing short of impressive. According to a survey conducted by Influence Central, the number of dads who identify as primary caregivers have doubled in the past decade. Over 90% of dads today report being more involved in their children’s lives than their fathers were. This increased involvement has led to a surge in the number of dads sharing their experiences and perspectives on fatherhood through blogging and social media.

Today’s most influential dad bloggers include Charlie Capen and Andy Herald of How To Be A Dad, Clint Edwards of No Idea What I’m Doing, and Beau Coffron of Lunchbox Dad. These dads have built large online communities of followers who appreciate their honesty, humor, and willingness to tackle tough topics related to fatherhood. Through their blogs and social media platforms, they have been able to reach a broad audience and make a significant impact on public opinion.

Breaking Down Stereotypes and Redefining Fatherhood:

Dad bloggers challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes by sharing their experiences as primary caregivers and breaking down the idea that parenting is solely a mother’s responsibility. They promote fathers as nurturing, involved, and emotionally connected to their children. By doing so, they redefine fatherhood and promote gender equality.

One example of a dad blogger challenging traditional gender roles is Doyin Richards of Daddy Doin’ Work. He gained national attention for a viral photo of him combing his daughter’s hair while carrying his baby. Richards has since become an advocate for involved fatherhood and a sought-after speaker. His message is that fathers can and should play an active role in their children’s lives and that this involvement benefits both fathers and children.

Another example of a dad blogger redefining fatherhood is Oren Miller of A Blogger and a Father. Miller was diagnosed with lung cancer and documented his journey on his blog. He also strongly advocated for fathers’ rights and created a community of dads who supported each other through parenting challenges. Miller’s legacy lives on through the Dad 2.0 Summit, an annual conference he co-founded for dads.

The impact of dad bloggers on the modern family dynamic is significant. They promote the idea that fathers are just as capable as mothers of caring for their children and that involvement in parenting is beneficial for both fathers and children. 

Support and Community for Fathers:

Support and community are crucial for fathers as they navigate parenting challenges. Traditionally, parenting is a mother’s domain, leaving many fathers isolated and unsupported. However, dad bloggers create a sense of community and support other dads through their blogs and social media platforms.

Dad bloggers provide a space for fathers to share their experiences, offer advice, and find support. They create a sense of camaraderie among dads who may feel alone experiencing parenting challenges. By doing so, dad bloggers are building a supportive network for fathers who may not have access to other forms of support.

One example of a dad blogger creating resources and support networks for fathers is John McElhenney of The Whole Parent. McElhenney went through a divorce and became a single father, and his blog chronicles his journey through this experience. He also created a Facebook group for single fathers, where dads can find support and advice from other dads going through similar experiences.

Another example of a dad blogger creating resources and support networks for fathers is David Vienna of The Daddy Complex. Vienna is a former stay-at-home dad whose blog offers advice and resources for fathers who are also primary caregivers. He also founded the Dad 2.0 Summit, an annual conference for dads that provides a space for fathers to connect and learn from each other.

Fathers need support and community. By creating a supportive network for dads, dad bloggers promote involved fatherhood and break down the idea that parenting is solely a mother’s responsibility. 

Sites to check out for the best dad bloggers

There are many dad bloggers out there, each with their own unique voice and perspective on fatherhood. Here are a few sites that curate lists of some of the best dad bloggers to check out:

01. Dad 2.0 Summit

Dad 2.0-logo

The Dad 2.0 Summit is an annual conference that brings together dad bloggers, social media influencers, marketers, and other experts to discuss and share ideas about modern fatherhood and the changing role of fathers in society. The summit was founded in 2011 by a group of father bloggers who wanted to create a community where fathers could connect, learn and collaborate.

The conference features a variety of keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive workshops on various topics related to parenting, social media, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Attendees can network with other dads, learn from industry experts, and gain insight into the latest trends and best practices in dad blogging and content creation.

One of the unique aspects of the Dad 2.0 Summit is its focus on promoting positive representations of fatherhood in the media and popular culture. The conference has been a driving force in shifting the story of fathers from clumsy, incompetent parents to active and engaged caregivers committed to their families and communities.

The summit was also a platform to raise awareness of important issues affecting fathers, such as parental leave policies, work-life balance, mental health, and gender equality. Through their voice and influence, father bloggers have been able to effect a meaningful change in how society perceives and supports fathers.

In addition to the annual conference, the Dad 2.0 community is active throughout the year. This includes regional meetings, online forums, and other events and activities to promote community and collaboration between dad bloggers and influencers.

02. The Good Men Project


The Good Men Project is a digital media company founded in 2009. Their mission is to stimulate conversations about being a good person in today’s world. The company’s website features a mix of written, audio, and video content focused on issues of gender, identity, and culture. It is widely recognized as one of the leading platforms for men’s opinions on these issues.

Good Men Project content is primarily produced by a community of writers and creators who share their personal stories, experiences, and opinions. Many of these contributors are men, but the site also features work by women, non-binary people, and people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.

One of the hallmarks of The Good Men Project is its commitment to fostering open and honest dialogue about complex and often taboo topics. The site features articles and videos on various topics, including mental health, relationships, parenting, politics, and social justice. Encourage readers to connect in the comments section and on social media.

In addition to its online content, The Good Men Project also hosts events, produces podcasts, and offers a variety of products and services to support its community and further its mission. Think training programs, writing workshops, and talks.

03. City Dads Group


City Dads Group is a network of fathers supporting each other on their parenting journey. The group was founded in 2008 by two stay-at-home dads, Lance Somerfeld and Matt Schneider, who wanted to connect with other parents in their area.

Today, the City Dads Group has grown into a national organization with more than a dozen local chapters across the United States. The group provides a space for dads to connect, share tips and socialize with each other. Group members come from all walks of life, including stay-at-home parents, working parents, single parents, and parents of all sexual orientations.

City Dads Group organizes regular events and gatherings for dads and their kids, like play dates, picnics, and family outings. They also offer educational resources and opportunities for dads to learn from each other, like workshops on fatherhood and parenting. Also, they have social media platforms where members can connect online.

One of the unique features of City Dads Group is its commitment to breaking stereotypes around fatherhood. They challenge traditional gender roles and work to create a more supportive and inclusive environment for all dads. City Dads Group also partners with brands and organizations that share its values. It has been recognized by major media outlets for its work promoting positive images of fatherhood.

04. Life of Dad


Life of Dad is website and social network that serves as a community for fathers to share their experiences and perspectives on fatherhood. The website launched in 2010 and has since become a popular platform for blogging dads and other parents to connect, share advice, and offer support to one another.

One of Life of Dad’s unique features is its social networking component, which allows users to create a profile and connect with other dads. Members can share photos, stories, and other content and participate in forums and chat groups. This aspect of the site provides a sense of community and connection that many parents may not have in their everyday lives.

In addition to the social network, Life of Dad features a blog section where users can submit posts on various fatherhood-related topics. Blog posts cover various topics, from parenting tips and relationship advice to personal stories and musings on parenting.

Life of Dad hosts several podcasts, including The Life of Dad Show and This Life Ain’t For Everybody. These podcasts feature interviews with guests, including professional athletes, authors, and other celebrities, who share their experiences and insights into parenting.

05. The Modern Dad


The Modern Dad is a popular parenting blog created by Matt Schneider, a father of three. The blog covers various topics related to fatherhood, parenting, and modern family life. The blog is meant to help dads be their best dads while also providing a space to share their experiences and connect with other dads.

The Modern Dad covers various topics, from product reviews and travel advice to discussing the challenges of being a stay-at-home parent or navigating co-parenting after a divorce. The blog is known for its honesty and openness, with Schneider sharing his experiences and personal struggles as a parent.

In addition to his blog, Schneider is an active social media user with a strong presence on Twitter and Instagram. He often shares photos and stories about his family, as well as information about his journey as a father.

Modern Dad has won numerous awards and accolades, including being named one of the best parenting blogs by Babble and TIME Magazine. The blog has also been featured in several major news outlets, including The Huffington Post, The New York Times, and The Today Show.

What are the steps involved in starting a Dad Blog?

Becoming a blogger can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, allowing you to share your thoughts, experiences, and advice with others in the parenting community. It is possible to build your audience and get your blog off the ground by taking several concrete steps.

01. Choose a niche

When starting a blog for dads, choosing a niche can help you create a focus for your blog, identify your target audience, and create content relevant to their interests. A niche can be defined as a specific theme or themes you focus on, such as parenting tips for working parents or activities for stay-at-home parents.

Choosing a niche will help you stand out in the busy world of dad blogs and attract readers interested in your specific field. Some popular niches for daddy bloggers are:

  • Fatherhood – This niche focuses on the joys and challenges of parenting and offers parenting information, tips, and advice.
  • Health and Fitness – This niche promotes a healthy lifestyle and shares exercise and nutrition tips for busy parents.
  • Travel – This niche focuses on family travel and offers tips, advice, and destination reviews for parents who enjoy traveling with their families.
  • Finance – This niche provides financial advice and tips for parents who want to manage their money better and build a secure financial future for their families.
  • DIY & Home Improvement – ​​This niche shares tips and advice on home improvement, maintenance, and repair projects for parents who enjoy tackling jobs around the house.

When choosing your niche, consider your interests, experience, and the audience you want to attract. Choose a niche you are passionate about with an audience interested in the content you share. With a well-defined niche, you can build a solid and engaged community of readers looking for guidance and advice in your field.

02. Built a site and Start a blog

If you’re a parent with a unique perspective or valuable ideas to share, starting a blog is a great way to connect with other parents and build an online community. 

First, Choose the best website builder. There are several free and paid platforms to choose from when starting a blog. Popular options include WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and Blogger. Each platform has its features and benefits, so it’s essential to research and compares them to determine which best suits your needs.

Your domain name is the address people will use to access your blog, so choosing a name that’s easy to remember and represents your brand is essential. You can register a domain name through a domain registrar or your blogging platform.

hosting provider is a service that stores your blog files and makes them accessible to online visitors. Some popular hosting providers include Bluehost, HostGator, and SiteGround.

Once you’ve chosen your blogging platform, domain name, and hosting provider, it’s time to set up your blog. This involves installing blogging software, choosing a theme, and customizing the layout and layout of your blog.

The essential part of any blog is its content. As a dad blogger, you can write about various topics, such as parenting tips, family activities, product reviews, or personal stories. Creating high-quality, engaging content that attracts and retains readers is essential.

03. Develop your voice

As a blogger dad, developing your voice is critical to building an engaged and loyal audience. Your voice sets you apart from other blogger dads, so you must intentionally present yourself and your ideas. Here are some tips for developing your voice as a parent blogger:

  • Be authentic: Your readers want to hear from you, not some made-up version of yourself. Share your experiences, opinions, and viewpoints in a way that is true to who you are.
  • Use your own words: Avoid using slang or buzzwords that don’t come naturally to you. Instead, use your own words and phrases to communicate your ideas.
  • Write while you talk: Writing in a conversational tone can help you connect with your readers and make your content more accessible. Imagine you are conversing with a friend, and you write as you would.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is vital when it comes to developing your voice. Your readers won’t know what to expect if you constantly change your tone or approach.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try new things and see what works. Maybe you’ll discover a new style of writing that resonates with your audience.
  • Be mindful of feedback – Pay attention to the feedback you receive from your readers and use it to inform how you write and present yourself.

By following these tips, you can develop a solid and distinctive voice as a parent blogger that will resonate with your readers and keep them coming back for more.

04. Promote your blog:

Promoting your dad’s blog is essential to building a readership and growing your online presence. Here are some practical ways to promote your dad’s blog:

  • Social Media – Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are great tools for promoting your dad’s blog. You can create accounts on these platforms, share your blog posts, engage with your audience, and build a following.
  • Guest Posting – Writing guest posts for other dad blogs or parenting websites is a great way to promote your blog. Get in touch with other bloggers in your niche and offer to write a guest post for their blog. In exchange, they may allow you to include a link to their blog in your author bio.
  • Online Communities – There are many online communities dedicated to dads and parenting. Participating in these communities can help you connect, introduce your blog to new audiences, and gain valuable feedback and ideas.
  • Email Marketing: Building an email subscriber list is an effective way to promote your dad’s blog. You can use email marketing to share new blog posts, promotions, and other news with your subscribers.
  • SEO – Optimizing your blog for search engines can help your blog appear in search results when people search for topics related to your blog. This can increase the visibility of your blog and help you attract more readers.

05. Monetize your blog

Monetizing your dad’s blog is an essential step if you want to turn your passion for writing into a sustainable business or earn some extra income. While there are many ways to monetize your blog,  here are some of the most effective:

  • Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing promotes other people’s products or services and earns a commission on any sales you refer. As a parent blogger, you can use affiliate marketing to recommend products you use or think will be helpful to other parents. You can sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, and ShareASale to get started.
  • Display Advertising – Display advertising is when you place ads on your blog and earn money when someone clicks them. You can use Google AdSense or other ad networks to display ads on your blog. Its amount will depend on the number of clicks you get, the placement of the ad, and the ad format.
  • Sponsored Posts involve partnering with a brand or business and writing a blog post about their product or service. In return, you are paid a fee. Disclosing that the publication is sponsored is essential to maintaining transparency with your readers.
  • Digital Products – You can create digital products like eBooks, courses, and printables that provide value for your readers. As a dad blogger, you can create content on parenting, relationships, health, and fitness.
  • Consulting – If you have expertise in a specific area, you can offer consulting services to your readers. You can provide one-to-one advice, answer questions via email, or hold online workshops.

To monetize your dad’s blog effectively, creating high-quality content that adds value to your readers is critical. You can also network with other bloggers, collaborate with brands, and engage with your readers to build a loyal audience.

How can Dad’s blogs generate income and make money?

There are several ways that dad blogs can generate income and make money. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Advertising: Dad blogs can display ads from Google AdSense or other advertising networks. When a reader clicks on an ad, the blog owner earns a small commission.
  • Affiliate marketing: Dad blogs can promote products and services from other companies through affiliate marketing programs. When a reader clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, the blog owner earns a commission.
  • Selling products or services: Dad blogs can sell products or services, such as e-books, courses, or merchandise.
  • Selling advertising space: Dad blogs can sell advertising space directly to businesses or organizations.
  • Sponsorships: Dad Blogs can partner with businesses or organizations to create sponsored content. This content is typically paid for by the sponsor and may include product reviews, giveaways, or contests.

The amount of money a dad blog can make depends on several factors. These factors include the size of the audience, the quality of the content, and the methods used to generate income. However, with hard work and dedication, dad blogs can generate a lot of income.

What challenges do Dad Bloggers face, and how can they overcome them?

Dad bloggers, like all bloggers, face their own set of challenges. However, they also encounter unique obstacles that stem from fatherhood’s particular dynamics and the parenting niche. Here are some common challenges faced by Dad bloggers and strategies to overcome them:

  • Time: Dads are busy people, and it can be difficult to find time to blog.
  • Motivation: It can be easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results immediately.
  • Competition: There are many dad blogs out there, and it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.
  • Technology: Dad bloggers need to be comfortable with technology to create and maintain their blogs.
  • Niche: It can be difficult to find a niche that is both interesting to you and has a large enough audience.

Here are some tips for dad bloggers who want to overcome these challenges:

  • Set realistic goals: Don’t expect to become a successful blogger overnight. Set realistic goals for yourself and be patient.
  • Find a writing partner: Blogging with a friend or family member can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Focus on quality over quantity: It’s better to write a few high-quality posts each week than to churn out low-quality content.
  • Promote your blog: Let people know about your blog through social media, email marketing, and guest blogging.
  • Be patient: It takes time to build a successful blog and make money. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Keep writing great content and promoting your blog, and you will eventually see results.

By implementing effective strategies, managing their time wisely, focusing on their purpose, staying resilient in the face of negativity, and fostering a supportive community, Dad bloggers can overcome these challenges and continue to make a positive impact in the parenting and blogging space.


As we’ve explored, dad bloggers are a growing force in the blogging world, offering a unique perspective on parenting, family life, and fatherhood. They provide a platform for dads to share their experiences, offer advice, and connect with a supportive community of other dads.

Dad bloggers have the potential to make a significant impact and build a considerable following. As more and more fathers look to connect with others and find resources and support for their parenting journey, dad bloggers are well-positioned to fill this need.

If you want to become a parent blogger, many resources are available to help you get started. From finding your niche and building your online presence to monetizing your blog, there are many steps you can take to build a successful dad blog.

Ultimately, the value of parenting blogs lies in the power of their message and the community they create. By sharing their experiences and insights, dad bloggers can help support and empower fathers worldwide.


What is a dad blogger?

A dad blogger is a male blogger who writes about his experiences, opinions, and thoughts on various topics related to fatherhood, parenting, and family life.

How do dad bloggers make money?

Dad bloggers can make money in several ways, including through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, brand partnerships, advertising, and selling digital or physical products.

How do I start a dad blog?

To start a dad blog, you should choose a niche, create a website or blog, produce high-quality content, and promote your blog on social media and other channels. You should also engage with your readers and build a community around your brand.

What kind of topics do dad bloggers write about?

Dad bloggers can write about a wide range of topics, including parenting advice, family activities, product reviews, personal stories, and tips for work-life balance.

How much can dad bloggers earn?

Dad bloggers’ earnings can vary depending on factors such as their blog’s traffic, niche, and monetization strategies. Some dad bloggers make a few hundred dollars per month, while others earn six-figure incomes

How can dad bloggers collaborate with brands?

Dad bloggers can collaborate with brands through sponsored posts, brand ambassador programs, affiliate marketing, and product reviews. They can also attend events and conferences to network with brands and other influencers in their niche.

How do dad bloggers engage with their audiences?

Dad bloggers can engage with their audiences through social media, email newsletters, comments on their blog posts, and by responding to messages and inquiries. They can also run contests, surveys, and polls to encourage interaction and feedback from their readers.

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